The last sacrifice

The last sacrifice

A white man from the North who is fleeing his past arrives on a southern island where he meets a Zulu woman who foresees his future…

The forgotten journey

The forgotten journey

Discovery of southern Italy in the 18th century, through the journey of Saint Nom, Fragonard and their friends in the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily from 1756 to 1780. This documentary series is based on their stories and the 500 engravings they made during their travels.

My mother is a cosmonaut

My mother is a cosmonaut

“My mother is a cosmonaut” is the story of a child in a life of lies, of a mother torn between her maternal love and her passion for research, but also of a nation at the end of the Cold War.



Tsuguharu Foujita embodies in Paris and Tokyo, but also throughout the world, a bridge between the East and the West. He remains the junction point, the magician and the translator in painting of this encounter between these two worlds.